Money, Credibility, and Bullshit

I know this topic may seem a bit of a departure from my usual venues—and yet I hope that mentioning the M-word in the title is not so unappealing that you feel like leaving already. Several experiences and events stimulated this post. I will briefly mention them and then do my best to provide a… Continue reading Money, Credibility, and Bullshit

From Victimhood to Curiosity

In pretty much any relationship I find myself in, situations come up where the other person does something triggering emotions—sometimes really strong ones. And of course, the same is true in reverse. For instance, I am becoming more and more familiar with a pattern: during a conversation, I find it difficult to keep my attention… Continue reading From Victimhood to Curiosity

Becoming Heart-Strong

Over the past three days, I have repeatedly listened to a song that touches a spot deep inside: “See Me Fight” (by Two Steps From Hell). At the beginning of the video—and in some other places as well—I have seen the tag line “Music Makes You Braver,” and the spot this particular song touches indeed… Continue reading Becoming Heart-Strong

Trauma and Love

I’m sure that a lot of people have written about this—much more intelligently than me, I guess. The reason to write this post is that as I was having the image I will describe in a moment come to mind, I felt a powerful sense of “Yes, that’s it!” And if you enjoy it even… Continue reading Trauma and Love

Enjoying Mistakes

After writing the title I paused for at least 15 minutes. Then I was laughing about myself, recognizing the difficulty expressing my thoughts well as being fearful of writing something stupid. If I indeed enjoy mistakes, what’s that hesitation about? And why would anyone enjoy their mistakes anyway? The short answer is that, in my… Continue reading Enjoying Mistakes